Types of Tutoring
I provide this tutoring online. To connect and study I will send you a link that is personal and secure. We can work for one or two hours, depending on the amount of material that you want to cover. The frequency of these sessions is flexible and depends on your needs. It can be a single session to polish details for an important test, but it can also be a periodic tutoring session for an entire semester. It all depends on what you need, and it can be modified at any time, at your convenience. I provide this service worldwide in English and/or Spanish.
Fee: $45 per hour
Group Study
Sometimes a group of friends faces the same obstacles and would like to overcome them together. In this case, group tutoring is available. The group and I agree on a day and hour to meet online and study. To connect I send all the members of the group a link that is safe and secure. These sessions tend to be more fun and lighthearted than individual sessions, which are usually all business. They have the added advantage of getting the friends in the group to help each other and, sometimes, to engage in healthy competition. This type of tutoring is more effective when all the students have similar levels of knowledge and ability. It is best to keep the group small; two or three students works very well. I provide this service worldwide in English and/or Spanish.
Fee: $25 per hour per student